I made a bold move and emailed a couple of baby clothes shops about consigning my bows and hats to them. I sent them some pictures of most of the ones I have made and I just got an email from them. I'm sooooo EXCITED! Wahooo! This is what they said:
Hi Angela,
Thanks for the pictures! Everything looks really nice. We are interested in your clips/bows and hats. I'd like to discuss with you the kind of prices you would like to get for them. Maybe if you could use the ones you sent and tell me the prices you'd like to get for them it would give me a better idea if we could work something out.
There are 2 ways we could sell the bows.
#1- we consign, typically you would get up to 75% of the selling price and the store would get 25%.
#2- we buy the bows/clips from you at "wholesale" price and then price them as we wish.
Look forward to talking to you. You do really nice work!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The first thing Annika does when I put her in her high chair is look out the window and says her word for, "trees." She does this every time and starts reaching out or waving at them. Today, when she did this, Nolan says, "She's reaching for the heavens!" :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home...
I took this video recently of when Adam was on his way home. Annika loves to wait in front of the window when she hears that Daddy's on his way home. She gets so excited. When he leaves in the morning she likes to wave goodbye. Throughout the day she'll look out the window and wave, waiting for Daddy to come home. It's especially exciting when he comes home and it's still light outside. :) (Don't mind my annoying voice in the background, just thought it'd be cute to share.)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Sick Of Being Sick!
Today, I finally took Nolan to the Doctor. His cough that he's had since we got back from Arizona was driving me crazy. I made an appointment a couple of weeks ago, but canceled it cuz he seemed to be on the mend. But then, it came back. I can't even tell you how much cough medicine we've gone thru, not to mention the vaporizer every night. Anyways, so finally we went. The Doctor listened to his chest and back with his stethoscope and said he's got pneumonia. That's what I was afraid of. This boy catches everything so easily. It's just hard to immagine how he could be so sick with how much energy he has, although the last few days he's been taking naps. He even fell asleep on the way home from school the other day. That NEVER happens. So, the Doc wrote a couple of prescriptions for some medicine. When the pharmacist saw me, she gave me the look of, "again?" Since last week was Annika. Yep, looks like we'll be missing another week of church. :P
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sneak A Peek!
Here's a sneak peek at my new blog. Nothing is in my store yet, but that's next... www.cuteasabuttonlittleboutique.blogspot.com
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
A Silent e
Adam asked Nolan's teacher, Mrs. Pitzer, how he's doing in school and is there anything we need to work with him on at home. She said she's amazed at the things he knows. The other day they were going over how to write sentences. Right now they're learning to write words how they sound rather than how they are actually spelt. She wrote, "I skat" on the board and asked the class what the sentence needed at the end of "skat." The answer she was looking for was, "a period." Nolan said, "a silent e." He was right, may not have been the answer she was expecting, but he was definitely right!
To all my fans:
Coming SOON is my new blog of handmade items I have made, where you can purchase, customize, or get ideas on how to make your own. These are pefect gifts for baby showers, birthdays, photoshoot props, or for Mommy's who want to dress up their little girls. There will be cute hat ideas for boys as well. :) If you have an idea that you'd like posted on my blog, let me know. Gift certificates will be available. So, I'll post my new blog when it's set up, but in the meantime...start getting excited!!! :)
Coming SOON is my new blog of handmade items I have made, where you can purchase, customize, or get ideas on how to make your own. These are pefect gifts for baby showers, birthdays, photoshoot props, or for Mommy's who want to dress up their little girls. There will be cute hat ideas for boys as well. :) If you have an idea that you'd like posted on my blog, let me know. Gift certificates will be available. So, I'll post my new blog when it's set up, but in the meantime...start getting excited!!! :)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Cupcake Girl
Monday, February 21, 2011
Cupcake Hat
Well, here is the Cupcake Hat with a cherry on top. This was a fun hat to crochet. I added a little cupcake bow attached to a clip that you can remove if you want, but I kinda like it. This hat is a little bigger, meant for a toddler. Maybe I'll try it on Annika tomorrow and see how close of a fit it is. Seems a little tall.

I'm Not An Alien!
I love overhearing the conversations Nolan has with himself. As he was getting dressed I guess he put on his socks and had grabbed a third sock:
"Ahhhh, I already got two socks on my two feet! I'm not an alien, I'm just a plain ol' big brother!"
"Ahhhh, I already got two socks on my two feet! I'm not an alien, I'm just a plain ol' big brother!"
Friday, February 18, 2011
With Or Without?
Once again this camera doesn't show the colors of this bow very well. The orangeish redish color ribbon is actually just red. So, this bow is definitely my fanciest yet. It took a lot of ribbon, but it was lots of fun! I can't decide though...does it look better with the strawberry shortcake bottlecap or without???

Thursday, February 17, 2011
St. Patrick's Day Bow
Two More Bows
Here's a couple more bows I've made lately. This last week has been kinda busy since Nolan has the whole week off of school, soooo not much time for being crafty, but that's ok I love the extra time I've been able to spend with him. He sure keeps me busy! I had fun with the strawberry ribbon in these bows. The top bow is 3 layered and the bottom bow is 2 layered. The bottom bow I left the tails a little longer. Next, I'm working on a St. Patrick's Day Bow. So far I've got two of the layers made. Am I getting better???

Monday, February 14, 2011
Poor Baby! :(
For the last few days, Annika hasn't been feeling well. She fell asleep for her nap like this yesterday, snuggling her favorite bear. Looks so uncomfortable. How she loves her bears!

Today was supposed to be Annika's 12 month well-baby check-up. I called to get it switched to a sick baby check-up. :P Her poor little cough was making me nervous. Turns out she had an ear infection in her left ear and had a lot of wheezing, so the doctor gave us a couple of prescriptions to get her feeling better. Hopefully in a few days she'll be back to her old self again. I'm glad I went in because I never would have known about the ear infection. That might help explain all the screaming last night though. :P In the meantime, Annika still likes to make her fishy faces. :) I love these little faces she's been doing lately, they're so cute! Oh, and the last day or two she's been saying, "mama" and "wawa." Yay! Nolan gets so proud of her when she does something new. Today, she's been getting really good at standing on her own. We'll cheer her on and it gets her excited to do it again and again! Also, I love how when we get ready to say prayers, I say, "Fold your arms." Annika puts her two hands together with her fingers interlocking while we pray. SO cute!

Today was supposed to be Annika's 12 month well-baby check-up. I called to get it switched to a sick baby check-up. :P Her poor little cough was making me nervous. Turns out she had an ear infection in her left ear and had a lot of wheezing, so the doctor gave us a couple of prescriptions to get her feeling better. Hopefully in a few days she'll be back to her old self again. I'm glad I went in because I never would have known about the ear infection. That might help explain all the screaming last night though. :P In the meantime, Annika still likes to make her fishy faces. :) I love these little faces she's been doing lately, they're so cute! Oh, and the last day or two she's been saying, "mama" and "wawa." Yay! Nolan gets so proud of her when she does something new. Today, she's been getting really good at standing on her own. We'll cheer her on and it gets her excited to do it again and again! Also, I love how when we get ready to say prayers, I say, "Fold your arms." Annika puts her two hands together with her fingers interlocking while we pray. SO cute!
Too Hot!
Funny of the Day:
Nolan handed me a Valentine heart candy that said, "Too hot!" He asked me what that meant and I told him some people use that phrase to say someone is good lookin. Later, he was building a tower and asked what I thought. I said, "That is one good lookin tower!" He said, "Yep, it is tooooo hot!" :P
Nolan handed me a Valentine heart candy that said, "Too hot!" He asked me what that meant and I told him some people use that phrase to say someone is good lookin. Later, he was building a tower and asked what I thought. I said, "That is one good lookin tower!" He said, "Yep, it is tooooo hot!" :P
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Egg Drop Contest
Yesterday at Nolan's school they had an egg drop contest. Each class had one egg to protect and try to keep it from cracking as it was dropped off the roof. Nolan's teacher, Mrs. Pitzer, forgot to choose a spokesmen to tell the school how their class protected their egg. So, she asked which kid would like to do this. Nolan raised his hand as did a few other kids. She had them "audition" for this, and she picked Nolan. So, Nolan got to speak in front of half the school! When it was time for him to speak he said, "well, we wrapped the egg with bubblewrap, cardboard, and a string, and um I forgot the rest." :) I wasn't there to hear, but that's what he said he said. Good job, Nolan!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
More About The Kids
Annika has been getting very brave the last few days. She's starting to let go of what she's holding on to and tries to balance for a few seconds before grabbing back on to whatever she let go of. She can pretty much get around the whole house (which isn't hard since it's so small) and can come find me when I'm in a different room. She prefers walking, but will also scoot along on her bottom. She just doesn't want to crawl, but will if I put her on her knees. Today, during Relief Society for the first half she didn't want to stay put on my lap. She went to go visit all the ladies in the room, walking along holding on to chairs, hands, fingers, legs, or whatever else happened to be a good handle along her way. Today, Adam and I gave the prayers in Sacrament Meeting and she was so excited to see Daddy up there. She doesn't say, "dada" yet, or at least doesn't put the word with the person, but she sure knows her daddy. She understands a lot of words, but doesn't say any words you can understand. Just baby talk still. Annika loves to give hugs. Everytime I say, "Can I have a hug?" She'll curl her head up on my shoulder. Same thing with anyone else, or her dolls or bears. She loves to give hugs. We're still working on kisses though. It's more like a mouth open on your mouth if your lucky. Annika loves to "talk on the phone." It doesn't even have to be a phone. She'll hold up certain toys to her ear, or behind or on top of her head, pretending she's using it as a phone. Than she'll hold it out to us so we can "talk on it." It's so cute. We're starting to go thru a new phase in the brother, sister arrangement. Annika is no longer content just watching whatever Nolan plays with and sitting back and playing with whatever he might hand her that he's not playing with. Most of the time now, she wants what he is playing with. This is something new for Nolan and is going to take some getting used to since he's pretty much had it his way for 5+ years. He's always been good at sharing, but now it's a whole new level. He's doing very well and would do anything to help his little sister be happy, but boy, it's sure not very convenient! :) Also, he's learning that he can't leave certain toys out, such as light brites, unless he wants to have some of the pages ripped apart. Not to mention what I've had to dig out of Annika's mouth. :P On the other hand, Nolan is such a good helper and cleans up so nicely. I don't even have to ask him. If he sees something out of place, he'll put it back where he knows it belongs. One of Annika's favorite things to do is to drop all the magnets off the fridge. I don't clean them up right away cuz I know they'll just get dropped right back on the floor by the next time I'm in the kitchen anyway. However, there's a certain fairy in the house that picks those magnets up every time he sees them on the floor. :) He doesn't like messes.
I love being Nolan's Mom. He is such a wonderful little buddy to have around. I miss him so much when he's at school, but at the same time, it's nice to have some one on one time with Annika and to be able to get some projects done while she's taking a nap. Everywhere I go, it seems like people are commenting on how Nolan says some of the cutest things or he's such a "crack-up." That hasn't happened since I picked him up after primary. Hmmm, I sure wish I was a fly on the wall to hear what he says. :P Yesterday, Nolan went to a birthday party at a boy's house who is in his primary class. I left for a little bit and when I came to pick him up, the parents of the birthday boy commented on how Nolan is such a fun kid to have around and how he says some of the cutest things. I'm so glad we're in a ward now where Nolan has so many kids his age. Today, after church Nolan told us how he was going to be the one who started reading his scriptures. They've been giving little sticker charts to the kids at church and everyday you read your scriptures you get to put a star on your chart. At the end of the month when you turn it in, you get a reward. We've always done scripture study every evening before bed, usually about a page a day and it works pretty well. Nolan always helps remind us. Today after church he was so set on reading his scriptures right away. He got them out of his book bag and on the way home he was sounding out all the words, trying to read the best he could. He recognized lots of the easy words, but there sure are a lot of tricky words in the Book of Mormon. He told us something along these lines, "Every day I'm going to go in my room, shut the door, and read my Book of Mormon." It was so cute, he even was willing to sacrifice his movie night on Friday and even computer time, so that he could read his Book of Mormon instead. This says a lot because his movie night and computer time are very special to him since he pretty much only gets to watch movies on the weekends and computer time is limited to certain times. The weather was really nice today and Nolan told us he was going to go sit out on the front patio and read his Book of Mormon for a while. I'm so glad he knows the importance of this special book and tries so hard to do what is right. I hope this sticks with him because he will sure make a good missionary some day.
Well, I'm sure I could go on and on, but I guess that's enough blabbing for now.
I love being Nolan's Mom. He is such a wonderful little buddy to have around. I miss him so much when he's at school, but at the same time, it's nice to have some one on one time with Annika and to be able to get some projects done while she's taking a nap. Everywhere I go, it seems like people are commenting on how Nolan says some of the cutest things or he's such a "crack-up." That hasn't happened since I picked him up after primary. Hmmm, I sure wish I was a fly on the wall to hear what he says. :P Yesterday, Nolan went to a birthday party at a boy's house who is in his primary class. I left for a little bit and when I came to pick him up, the parents of the birthday boy commented on how Nolan is such a fun kid to have around and how he says some of the cutest things. I'm so glad we're in a ward now where Nolan has so many kids his age. Today, after church Nolan told us how he was going to be the one who started reading his scriptures. They've been giving little sticker charts to the kids at church and everyday you read your scriptures you get to put a star on your chart. At the end of the month when you turn it in, you get a reward. We've always done scripture study every evening before bed, usually about a page a day and it works pretty well. Nolan always helps remind us. Today after church he was so set on reading his scriptures right away. He got them out of his book bag and on the way home he was sounding out all the words, trying to read the best he could. He recognized lots of the easy words, but there sure are a lot of tricky words in the Book of Mormon. He told us something along these lines, "Every day I'm going to go in my room, shut the door, and read my Book of Mormon." It was so cute, he even was willing to sacrifice his movie night on Friday and even computer time, so that he could read his Book of Mormon instead. This says a lot because his movie night and computer time are very special to him since he pretty much only gets to watch movies on the weekends and computer time is limited to certain times. The weather was really nice today and Nolan told us he was going to go sit out on the front patio and read his Book of Mormon for a while. I'm so glad he knows the importance of this special book and tries so hard to do what is right. I hope this sticks with him because he will sure make a good missionary some day.
Well, I'm sure I could go on and on, but I guess that's enough blabbing for now.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Happy Birthday Annika!
I've got lots and lots of pictures of Annika's 1st birthday. There's just one problem, LOTS of red eye! BON?? When you read this and have a spare moment, I have a job for you! ;) Anyways, hope these pics help you get an idea of our exciting day!
I started decorating the house the night before Annika's birthday after the kids fell asleep. I got all the balloons blown up and a few other things done and than Annika woke up. It must have been those two teeth that are coming in on top, which I honestly didn't realize at the time until Adam informed me the next day that he noticed them when he was brushing her teeth a couple of nights ago. :P Scuse me for not noticing. Anyways, so she enjoyed playing with the balloons, but I knew that once one popped that would be the end of it. Sure enough, she accidently popped one and that was the end of it! Well, I really wanted to get the house done before I went to bed, but I needed to lay with Annika because she wasn't going to lay in her bed by herself and I couldn't nurse her because I already did that an hour or two ago and my milk supply is slowly diminishing. So, of course, I ended up falling asleep since I got to relax and ended up not getting the house done that night. :P Oh well, no big deal!

We were going to have a birthday party that evening, but I decided to give this "My Little Pony" toy to Annika in the morning so she had something to keep her entertained during the day. She loved it! She especially liked pushing the buttons and hearing all the noises.

I love the little look on her face in the picture below. :)

Let the party begin! I guess I didn't really take pictures until Annika started opening presents, but we had a little pizza party. You'll notice a "hello kitty" in the corner of the pic below. That was kind of the theme.

It was cute, during the presents, Annika would tear a little piece of paper off, stop, clap her hands, tear a little more off, stop, clap her hands some more, etc. She was so proud of herself!

After struggling with it for a minute or two, Nolan stepped in and helped open the present.

This little girl below came to join the party. She got to take turns with Nolan in being the assistant present opener. I love this look on Annika's face, peering over at the gift.

Isn't this the cutest little cake? Annika's Aunt Jeanna made her cake this year and did a fabulous job! This one was for all the guests who came to the party...

Don't you just love her reaction? :P
I started decorating the house the night before Annika's birthday after the kids fell asleep. I got all the balloons blown up and a few other things done and than Annika woke up. It must have been those two teeth that are coming in on top, which I honestly didn't realize at the time until Adam informed me the next day that he noticed them when he was brushing her teeth a couple of nights ago. :P Scuse me for not noticing. Anyways, so she enjoyed playing with the balloons, but I knew that once one popped that would be the end of it. Sure enough, she accidently popped one and that was the end of it! Well, I really wanted to get the house done before I went to bed, but I needed to lay with Annika because she wasn't going to lay in her bed by herself and I couldn't nurse her because I already did that an hour or two ago and my milk supply is slowly diminishing. So, of course, I ended up falling asleep since I got to relax and ended up not getting the house done that night. :P Oh well, no big deal!
We were going to have a birthday party that evening, but I decided to give this "My Little Pony" toy to Annika in the morning so she had something to keep her entertained during the day. She loved it! She especially liked pushing the buttons and hearing all the noises.
I love the little look on her face in the picture below. :)
Let the party begin! I guess I didn't really take pictures until Annika started opening presents, but we had a little pizza party. You'll notice a "hello kitty" in the corner of the pic below. That was kind of the theme.
It was cute, during the presents, Annika would tear a little piece of paper off, stop, clap her hands, tear a little more off, stop, clap her hands some more, etc. She was so proud of herself!
After struggling with it for a minute or two, Nolan stepped in and helped open the present.
This little girl below came to join the party. She got to take turns with Nolan in being the assistant present opener. I love this look on Annika's face, peering over at the gift.
Isn't this the cutest little cake? Annika's Aunt Jeanna made her cake this year and did a fabulous job! This one was for all the guests who came to the party...
Don't you just love her reaction? :P
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