Sunday, August 26, 2012

Potty Training

I was going to start potty training Annika once summer began because I thought it would be less busy.  HA! Quite the opposite.  I can't believe all the happenings that happened during the summer.  I couldn't pin even a few days to stay home to potty train.  So, once I decided that wasn't going to happen after all, I decided soon after school started we would go for it.  We potty trained here and there during the summer, but nothing consistent.  Annika was so ready for it! They say girls are easier to potty train than boys...I agree! The trick with Annika is she's got a stubborn little streak to her...not sure where she gets that from.  ;) But, I knew I wouldn't be able to rush her to the potty every 20 minutes to sit there for a half hour or whatever.  Nope, she would have to decide on her own when to go.  Maybe it was actually a good idea to wait a little longer to start because she was already fully aware of what it's like to need to go potty.
So, the first day, I told her she was going to wear her princess underwear all day.  Even if she had an accident, we would put a new pair on.  No more diapers until bedtime.  Well, she did remarkably well.  I asked her every now and then if she needed to go...sometimes she said yes, sometimes no.  A few times, I knew we needed to rush because she yelled, "I need my diaper!" :) She kept it clean right until bedtime, I think she just was a little tired.  She was grossed out and that is what I knew it would take.
The second day was a little easier, but this time I left it up to her to decide when to go potty.  She only had one major wet accident, where once again, she got really upset about it, which is the only way she was going to learn.  She started to have another accident, but caught herself.  Yay!
Today was the third day.  I didn't think she was ready to wear underwear to church, so we put on a pair of "bye bye underwear" (pull-ups).  She told me once at church that she needed to go potty, but didn't actually end up going.  So, I thought, no way is she going to be dry when we get home after 3 hours.  She surprised me! She was dry.  Hurray! This is not so bad.  She pretty much stayed clean all day.  Just one time where she caught herself before it made a big mess.  :) She's doing great! Day 4 should be even better, right?
I don't plan on trying too hard during the night yet.  I'm kind of hoping it will just come automatically after a week or so, like it did with Nolan.  But, she likes to take her drink of water to bed with her and with how hot it's been, I don't blame her.  Maybe we'll try that once it cools off.  Hopefully, before we're buying diapers for baby #3.     

Monday, August 6, 2012

Baby BOY!

Today was an exciting day! We went in for the ultrasound this morning and found out the baby is a boy! Yahoo! I would have been just as happy if it was a girl, but as I've said before, I knew it had to be a boy.  If I was a betting person, I would have bet money on it.  It's hard to explain, but I've had a different sort of connection with this baby then my last two.  It's kind of like this extra strength that has been given to me these last 5 months.  I didn't have a clue what the last two babies were, but this one I felt just had to be a boy.  I loved seeing him pop up on the screen.  He sure has grown since I saw him last at 8 weeks.  Looks like all his body parts are working the way they should be.  He is in the 50th percentile.  I'm in love with this baby already! We can't wait to meet him! Nolan was so excited to hear he would be getting a baby brother.  Annika is excited to have a baby to play peekaboo with and share her blankie and bear with.  She loves babies and will be such a good big sister.  When I get somewhere with a scanner, I will scan in these pictures of baby. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Read Read Read

Just about the only time it's quiet in our house...