Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So far everything has been running smoothly with this pregnancy. Up until today, my NSTs were looking great and there didn't appear to be any problems. Today my NST had about 5 minutes left, the nurse told me I already passed my accelerations and decelerations and everything looked great, we just needed to wait 5 more minutes. As soon as she left, I started to feel a little sick feeling and my ears starting ringing and had a hard time not passing out. Adam happened to be able to come with me this time, which I'm sure glad because I didn't have a nurse call button anywhere near me. I told him to go get the nurse back, I feel like I'm going to faint. It was very strange. It just came on suddenly and I couldn't just shake it off. So, the nurse came back and hooked me up to the oxygen (I love that stuff!) and that helped me, but a minute later, my problem affected the baby's heart rate, it started dropping into the 80s. So, after a bit, the baby's heart rate went up again, but after getting ahold of the doctor, they said they needed to monitor me another hour and a half or so to make sure it didn't do it again. If it did, we would possibly need to do a c-section to get the baby out. I tried not to be too nervous because I knew that certainly would not help. So, thankfully the heartrate didn't drop again and I was able to leave the hospital without a baby. :) The nurse thought what happened was the baby rolled over on a blood vessel which caused me to feel faint and lose oxygen, which of course affected the baby's heart rate a minute later.

1 comment:

Heather {Healthy Family Cookin} said...

oh I've had that before - probably during one of those NST things - They put you in this pretty uncomfortable position for hours and what do they expect? Sheish! Glad everyone is okay!