Monday, June 6, 2011


On Saturday we went to a Baptism of a man who was in our older ward. His wife has been a member forever and they have 3 young kids. The man has been coming to church for a long time, but just hasn't decided to be baptized. Well, he finally did and it was a wonderful experience. It will be so exciting to see how his family is blessed from his choice.

Nolan loved seeing him be baptized. He was amazed at how quickly the man was in and out of the water. That's the part that scares him. I told him, his body just needs to be completely under and than he can come right back up.

On Sunday, they announced in Sacrament Meeting, another person who would be bapized this weekend. I wasn't really planning on going, not even sure who it is. Nolan heard and said, "Oh good, I get to see another person be baptized!"

Nolan was asked to give a last minute talk in Primary on Sunday. He chose to talk about Baptism. He did a great job! The ladies told me they love Nolan's talks because he is so confident up there as he speaks. I had someone from Primary come in Relief Society and tell me what a smart boy I have. During sharing time they talked about the Restoration. They asked several questions that were even too hard for the older primary kids to answer, but Nolan was raising his hand to all of them and knew all the answers. I'm so grateful for all our wonderful family and teachers who help me teach my children. Nolan is like a sponge and soaks up every little thing right now. It's so much fun to watch him learn and grow!

This is Nolan's last week of Kindergarten. His teacher told Adam that she was so glad we decided to move him on to 1st grade, she realized she had made a mistake especially when she was going over his report card, seeing all 3s and 4s which is great, or advanced. Who knows if we really made the right choice, but kind of funny listening to his teacher say she was wrong. She has been such a great teacher for him though and we love his school! I found out recently that the principal is a member of the Church. I had a feeling he was...

I guess I should say a few things about Annika now. :) She is at such a fun age as well. For the last few days she's been FINALLY a happy girl again. For the past 2 or 3 weeks before that, it was miserable! Constant crying, screaming, or fussing. Always wanting to be held, but still crying, screaming, or fussing. I didn't know what to do for her. She was teething like mad and there's really nothing you CAN do. She has lots of teeth now. The 4 front top and 4 front bottom and 4 molars. The day she started being happy again, it was AMAZING! She was such a different little girl.

I love having little conversations with her. She loves to point to things and babble and I say what it is and than she kind of thinks about it and we start it over again. I love how when I'm doing something and I'll hear her come up to me and say her little sweet words and I'll look at her and her head's kind of tilted to the side waiting for my answer or for me to say, "Oh, really?" Or something like that. She'll stand there until I say SOMETHING and than she's ready to be on her way again. Annika loves her big brother. I'm excited for Nolan to be home more this summer because Annika plays so much more when Nolan's in the room.

Lately, when I have a haircut coming over I'll ask Nolan if he'll "babysit" Annika upstairs while I'm downstairs cutting hair. I put on the monitor so if he needs anything he can talk into it. Even though I can hear him pretty well without it. :) It's kind of like being a fly on a wall cuz Annika doesn't really know what's going on, but is perfectly happy with Nolan watching her, yet I can still listen if she needs me or something. Annika doesn't do as well downstairs anymore where she can see me and see that I'm giving someone else attention, but as long as I'm not around she's just fine with playing with the toys and stuff. :P Oh well. Nolan's happy cuz he gets a little money each time to add to his mission fund. :)

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