Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Another one of my goals this summer before Nolan started school again was to see if his body could handle regular milk yet. He's been drinking lactose free milk ever since shortly after I weened him off of breast milk and when he had been drinking regular milk for a little while. I guess it was a little hard since it was my first baby, I didn't know what was normal and what wasn't normal. His poopy diapers were always runny, but I thought that would change when he was done with breast milk. Well, it didn't change and we had some tests done and never got a for sure, but tried him on lactose free milk, which immediately made a difference. So, that's what he's been drinking ever since.

I know some kids grow out of this by age 4 or 5 so I tried last year sometime to see if Nolan had. He wouldn't drink it. He didn't like the flavor. I put it off throughout the school year because in case Nolan did still have a problem, I didn't want it to happen at school. :)

For the last couple of weeks, I've slowly mixed more and more regular milk with his lactose free milk. He didn't seem to notice the difference and I didn't notice any problems. So, I asked him today if he's been having any trouble and he said no. So, than I told him he's been drinking the same milk I have. :) Who knows, this might help him not have as many foot cramps or maybe he'll even have a little growth spurt. There's 10% more calcium in regular milk than lactose free milk (at least this brand), maybe that'll make a difference in his bones. He's finally grown out of his church shoes that he's had for the last couple of years. They were a size 7. Annika is almost into a size 5. Hmmm.

We live .6 miles from Placer High School. Every morning we go and walk/run around the track. We walked there one time and if it wasn't for the hill, it wouldn't be so bad. But, I just drive there and we walk/run a mile to a mile and a half. Nolan loves it too! He keeps right up with me. Sometimes Adam comes too. After the 4th or 5th lap, I take Annika out of her stroller and we all walk at her pace for another lap. She walked 1/4 of a mile today. She is taking a good nap right now. These two kids have pretty good endurance. :)

Yesterday we went to the mall and let the kids play in the play area. Nolan is very protective over his sister. I love sitting back and watching. As Annika was playing on the little stepping bugs, Nolan would be her bodyguard. He would hold his arms straight out and not let anyone jump on the same bug she was on, so it wouldn't knock her over. When we're walking around the track with Annika, when someone is running up behind us, Nolan will stand out in front of her/or actually behind her, but in front of the runner. As if to block their way from her. It's actually kind of funny. They of course won't run into her, but I guess he's worried about that.

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