Sunday, August 21, 2011

7-year Anniversary

Well, Saturday was Adam and my 7-year wedding Anniversary. In some ways, it feels like it's flown by, but in many ways it feels like much longer. I feel like such a lucky girl to be married to such a wonderful guy!

We celebrated our anniversary on Friday, since that was the evening Adam was able to get off work. Adam's mom took the kids to her house for a sleepover and we headed to San Francisco around 4:00 p.m. I don't like San Francisco traffic, but Adam knows his way around pretty well. San Francisco is a fun place to visit, but I would NEVER EVER want to live there. There are some pretty crazy people there. At one point when we were driving, a mini cooper was in the lane to the right of us. He seemed to think he owned the road. He tried to pull a left u-turn by cutting us off, which made Adam have to slam on the brake and then honked the horn at him. The man completely stopped his car, to which made us slam on the brake even harder. Then he got out and tried to have a conversation in the middle of the road about how he was right and we were wrong before getting back in his car and continuing on with his u-turn. We were a little in shock, which is probably a good thing. Otherwise, Adam may have gotten out of the car and who knows what would have happened, but I'm pretty sure this little fella would have scurried back in his mini cooper. :P

One of the things I dislike the most about visiting San Francisco is having to pay to park. I don't want to pay money to park. I think it's dumb. Well, we got to San Francisco around 6:45. Adam thought it would be funny to take a picture by the fence he jumped over when he broke his leg a couple of years ago. As you can see, it is really not too tall of a fence...

Well, we went to see how much it would cost to park in here and it was going to cost $20! No way! We left. We found a place right close to it that was free parking after 7:00 pm. Score!


This was a cool store made for left-handed people. Both Adam and I are left handed. It was fun to look around to see what sort of stuff they had.

I've mentioned before my fascination with spray-painted art. I have no desire to learn how to do it, but I think it is amazing watching and seeing it done. These artists can whip out these beautiful pieces of art work within just a few minutes. I love them!

We decided to buy this one.

We had a good time and drove back to Adam's parents for the night.

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