Sunday, October 30, 2011

Field Trip, Kids Dream, and Halloween Festivities!

I'm a little behind on this, but a few weeks ago, Nolan's class went on a field trip to Bishop's Pumpkin Patch in Wheatland. We decided to come along, following behind the school bus. It looked a little overcast when we started the the time we got there it was pouring down rain. :P The teachers debated whether to even let the kids off the bus. They had scheduled lots of fun activities, like a chicken show, tractor hay ride, etc. Well, they finally decided to let them get off the bus, pick out a pumpkin and get back on and head home. Of course, that took forever and by the time the kids were back on the bus, they were all sopping wet. Oh well. If I recall correctly, every day the rest of that week was perfectly nice and sunny. :P

Last weekend, Nolan and I had a booth at Machados Apple Orchard's Festival. We had so much fun. Nolan had 5 different kinds of cookies to sell, which were Chocolate Chip, White Chocolate Macadamia, Peanut Butter, Pumpkin, and Oatmeal. He also sold pink and regular lemonade. It was a long day, but Nolan lasted about 10 hours out there with me! He was a big help setting up and taking down our booth. People loved his cookies! I had lots of crocheted hats to sell. I was happy with how it all went.

Like our sign?

He even took a break to get his face painted!

Yesterday, we went to Nolan's school carnival. It was fun. There was even a magic show. Nolan sure enjoys watching those!

We headed down the hill to Sacramento that evening for a fun night trunk or treating with Aunt Jeanna and Uncle Krys.

I'm not sure exactly what Annika was. Nolan said, "She's the toothfairy!" Sounds good to me! :)

This is how I saw Annika most of the night...the backside of her as she took off running all over the place! She loved it! I finally had to scoop her up and hold her cuz I was so tired from chasing her. I don't think her batteries ever die! Lately, her sleeping pattern has changed. She used to go to bed soon after Nolan, which ended up being, 7:00 or 7:30 at the latest. For the past week or so, she's up after 9:00 most of the time. I'm not sure what's happening. She's also refusing to take naps...ALREADY??? I used to have her take a nap while Nolan was at school. She'll stay in her crib and I finally give up after an hour or so and let her out. Then she'll fall asleep on the way to pick him up. :P

Nolan was Spiderman. I'm pretty sure this costume will fit him for another 5 years!

When I brushed Nolan's teeth last night, the loose one was pretty much on it's last hinge. Nolan climbed into bed with me this morning and asked if his tooth had come out. I couldn't see since it was still dark, so I asked him if it felt like it was out. He said yes, so I turned on the light and sure enough it was missing. At first I thought maybe he had swallowed it, but he said he remembered it falling out. Hmmm. So, I told him to go check on his pillow to see if he could find it. He came back holding a tiny little white thing. "Could this be it," he asked? :) It was! I think the toothfairy will finally be paying him a visit!

We figured we better hurry and carve our pumpkins before the season has passed! Nolan really got into it this year! He pretty much carved the big one all on his own, except the smile...

Don't worry, that's not mold on the pumpkin's face.

Nolan's pumpkin makes me smile every time I see it. I love the lopsided eyes. :)

Last week we invited the missionaries over for dinner as well as a nonmember friend. She was very interested in what they had to say. She asked if they would teach her some more. We had her and the missionaries over again today this evening. She is ready to change her life around. She is going to read the Book Of Mormon. She is going to come to church with us next Sunday. It is neat to see her soak everything in that is being taught to her. I'm sure she will be baptized in the near future!

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