It feels like this summer vacation has already been going on for a month, when it has barely been a week. So much has happened, good things and not good things. It's been physically and emotionally exhausting. I love having a more relaxing schedule though, and love having Nolan home. He's been a big helper. There's two main goals I have for him this summer. Learn how to swim (or at least somewhat) and learn how to ride a bike. Nolan is deathly afraid of putting his face under water. He loves to swim, but with a life jacket. Someone in my ward referred me to someone who teaches swim lessons, so I need to look into it soon. Also, there's a lady in our ward who is letting everyone come swim in her pool on Tuesdays and maybe Fridays. So, that will be good practice too. Next, learn how to ride a bike. Well, that's a little hard, when you only have a bike that is way too we broke down and bought a bike. Normally, I'd wait till a birthday or Christmas, but I just didn't want to wait that long. Nolan is earning it in a variety of ways this summer, so we just got it ahead of time so he can enjoy it. He loves it. Still uses the training wheels, till he gets a little more comfortable with it, but hopefully we can have him riding before the end of summer. He is so afraid to fall down, and that's what I'm afraid of. If he falls down once, it's the end of the world. He does not handle pain well at all. So, not sure how this will work, but it'll be good for him.
Last day of School! Yay! |
Notice the top tooth missing? The silly tooth fairy forgot to come, but luckily she sneaked some money in without getting caught. |
The kids love these sprinklers. We've already been to them twice in the last week. |
Nolan did a great job at his gymnastics olympics show this past Saturday. |
Another medal. This kid has so many medals right now. |

Those are some of the main fun events so far of the summer. Nolan has been asking to have a sleepover for weeks! He and Annika got to spend the night at Grandpa and Grandma's house on Tuesday night and stay to play on Wednesday while I was in a craft fair. They had so much fun! Hopefully, they didn't wear them out too bad. Heehee. When I came to get them, we had dinner and then went to the park to play botce (hopefully spelt that right) ball. It was a lot of fun. Uncle Spence came to play too! When we got ready to leave, Spence got some water out of his truck for us. He squirted some of his bottle on Nolan. Nolan didn't like that too much. So, I told Nolan to squirt some on Spence. They had a mini water fight. When we got ready to leave and got in the car, Nolan said, "I guess Uncles Spence is a little rough around the edges!" Haha, it cracked me up! Annika was quite clingy for a bit after, but she did pretty good for being away from me for that long. I guess it'll be good practice for when her baby brother is born...don't worry, I didn't really find out it's a boy yet. But, I have a pretty strong feeling it is. I've never had a strong feeling with the other two if it was a boy or girl, but this time it's different. It's not that I hope it's a boy over a girl. Sometimes, I actually hope it's another girl so Annika will have a sister closer to her age. But, my mind is blocking out any sort of girl names. I can't even think of a single one. I can't even start. However, a name popped into my head of what this boy should be. Never would have thought to use this name, but it just came to me out of the blue and feels right. I might use it as a middle name though...Nolan is dead set on calling his little brother Aaron. We are all okay with that name, I think. I'm not telling the middle name yet. In case it's a girl. I won't be disappointed one bit, but I will be surprised. That's why I need to find out what it is ahead of time, to see if I need to get my act together and focus on girl names. This baby will be born at least a week early to prevent me going into labor, so maybe it will be 12-12-12 after all. There are doctors that would let me have a natural birth after 2 previous c-sections, but not this one. I'm okay with that though. After having two babies with cords wrapped around their necks, I'm more than happy to have a not so fun recovery if it means my baby is born healthy. I got to hear it's heartbeat on Monday. I was surprised it wasn't as fast as I remember it was with Annika. The doctor said it was right in the middle, 150. I keep thinking my energy is coming back, but than after an exhausting day, all I want to do is go to bed. It doesn't help that Annika is not going to bed early these days. In fact, here it is 10:15 p.m. and she's still popping out of her room. Ahhh! She's in that phase, that I was hoping wasn't going to happen, but it's happening! :P How to get a two year old to stay in their bed is beyond me. Once she's asleep though, she usually stays asleep. She did come out of the room sometime, not sure if early in the morning or when. She opened my money bag I had out from the craft fair. She found a permanent ink marker. She drew all over the money. Luckily, not the checks. Got some on the carpet. Got some on her legs. It could have been much worse though! Luckily, permanent markers aren't so permanent on the body. We don't have many moments like those, thankfully.
Life has been a roller coaster ride this past week or two with Adam's dad. He had a heart attack and ended up having an emergency open heart surgery in Reno. There was one night in particular, the hospital called to get down there quick, they didn't know if he was going to make it or not. Not fun. We went up to visit and brought the kids in case that was the last time they'd get to see him. Nolan wrote Grandpa B. a note for when he woke up. I'm glad it looks like he's on the mend at last. Finally has his breathing tubes out and Adam's talked to him on the phone a few times. We are grateful he's doing better.
Well, it sounds like Annika's finally asleep. Now I need to go clean up from my hair appointment, and get to bed! Goodnight!
P.S. Oh wait, looks like she's still awake! Oh boy!
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