Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dear Baby

Dear Baby,

I can't believe you're almost here! I have so many emotions rushing through me right now, but mainly excitement! The passed few nights, I wake up in the middle of the night and am too excited to fall back asleep.  You have been my strength for the passed 9 months.  I haven't been sick one single day, except for a couple of colds.  You have allowed me to keep doing what I normally would do if you weren't inside me, for which I am so grateful.  I just need you to be a good boy and stay in me one more day.  Your Daddy, Brother and Sister can't wait to meet and hold you too! Sometimes I think you could have picked a more convenient time of year to be born, but this gives a whole new special meaning to this season for me and I think it'll be perfect! I can't wait to see your sweet face and snuggle you close.  I can already feel your sweet, strong presence at times, and know you will make a wonderful addition to our family.  I pray this delivery comes easier than your Brother and Sister...keep that cord off your neck please!!!


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