Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Back To The Dentist

When we went to the dentist 6 months ago, Nolan had no cavities.  He had one molar in the back that they told us to keep an eye on.  It was starting to discolor.  So, we kept up our normal routine.  Brushing everyday, flossing, even starting mouthwash.  Well, around Christmas time, Nolan's tooth was starting to bother him whenever he ate something sweet.  I looked in his mouth and the tooth literally looked like it was half gone.  It was grayish and not normal looking.  I thought, how can that be? We just took him to the dentist! Well, finally we took him in today.  He now has two cavities, plus this same tooth that was only starting to discolor that is now a big problem.  Basically, a big cavity.  They're 95% sure they fixed it.  :P If not, he'll need a root canal.  Back when he was a baby and had whooping cough, his high temperature weakened his teeth.  He might be 30 years old and wearing dentures.  Sheesh! So, now he needs to use a special toothpaste that costs something ridiculous like $20 and start brushing and flossing after every meal.  They recommended no sweets, but, yeah...Not that he gets many sweets anyways.  He'll get his other two cavities filled on Thursday.  I also go in for the x-rays I didn't have while I was pregnant.  Hopefully no cavities for me.  Now sounds like a good time for dental insurance.  *Sigh*