Thursday, April 18, 2013


The weeks have passed by and turned into another month.  Parker is 4 months old today! I can't remember what life was like without him.  It's amazing how you think your life is so busy and how will I possibly have time to care for another baby.  And then you have another baby and look back and think, wow, my life really wasn't that busy...but NOW it REALLY is busy...haha! Somehow, there's still time to care for a baby though.  This little boy brings us so much joy! He is starting to be more interactive and laugh/giggle when he thinks something's funny.  He's also become quite the slobber baby.  Maybe he's teething and wants to grow teeth like Nolan did at 4 months...might explain why he's been a little more fussy lately.  Not bad, but more than normal.  He likes to wait till Adam goes on an evening shift for an old man, when I'm getting the kids ready for bed, etc. to start his fussing.  I wish I had more hands sometimes.   

Parker loves to be in his carseat. That means we're going somewhere! Between taking Nolan to school, going to pick him up, etc., he gets to be on the go quite a bit. I don't think I've hardly heard him fuss at all when we're driving. Except one day this week, he was squawking while we were on our way to get Nolan. I couldn't think why he would be, since he never does. Once we get to the school, I open the door and there he is in his carseat all tilted sideways! Sheesh, poor guy. Don't know how that happened.

Parker loves to be in the standing position. He doesn't like to bend. He's such a strong kid. I'm used to my babies still being wobbly at this age. He loves to be in this play thingy.

As you can see in this next expression, Parker doesn't care to be on his tummy.  He'll tolerate it for a bit, but doesn't like it!

He prefers his thumb over the binky now.  He sleeps so well during the night.  Mostly this whole week at least a good 6-7 hours straight.  Sometimes, I wake up hearing him sucking on his thumb.  At this point, whatever it takes to get a full night sleep, I'm all about it!

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