Monday, April 8, 2013

Thumb Sucker Baby

I haven't had a thumbsucking baby before, so I'm not sure what to do about this.  He takes a binky, but when it's not around, he'll use his thumb.  Convenient, right? For now, it's cute! Maybe it's a third child thing, but if he can find a way to soothe himself while I run around cleaning, making dinner, getting the kids to bed, or whatever...then FINE WITH ME!!! :)

Lots more to blog about.  I realized I don't even have pictures of Christmas and Annika's birthday on here.  So if you see way old stuff, sorry.  I've got to get it on here though cuz the kids and I love to look back at everything that's gone on.  :) It might have to wait till Sunday though.  I just got another large order of bows to make.  Busy fingers!

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