Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's May!

I can't believe it's May! I am so happy to have warm weather again! Nolan is coming up on his last month of second grade.  He has lots of things going on this month.  Several field trips, including one to the zoo next week.  Also, he'll be in a school play soon.  He is Humpty Dumpty.  Can't wait to watch it! They performed one of the songs in front of the school board a couple weeks ago.  Cute! They didn't do a Christmas performance this year, they chose to do a play during the spring instead.  Also, he's getting excited to start his science project.  He's bounced around on a couple of ideas.  I'll blog about that later.  Also, at the end of the month, Nolan gets to go on a limo ride to Round Table Pizza.  He and one other kid were the only ones who earned it in their class this year.  Nolan's always reading.  His favorite series right now are The Hardy Boys.  I like how they had it set up this year.  Instead of a certain number of pages, it was a certain amount of minutes.  So that way instead of trying to read as many books with as few pages on them as possible, it doesn't matter, as long as you're reading for however many minutes.  I think he ended up reading over 16,000 minutes.  They also earned several prizes along the way to encourage them.

Annika has been busy being my little helper.  Here's kinda a gross story, but anyways...this morning Parker was in his bouncy/vibrator chair taking care of business.  He let out lots of gurgly sounding poop.  I was like, oh great, that sounded like a blowout, but I didn't think it would be too bad cuz I had just got done changing his diaper.  Anyways, I was going to wait a few minutes to make sure he was done.  So, I was trying to get a hold of Parker's Dr. cuz they still want to do an echo cardiogram or whatever even though we've been released from the VLCAD study.  So, Annika was trying to get my attention and I wasn't listening very well.  She was insistent that I change Parker NOW! That he was poopy and messy.  I kept telling her, yes, just a minute.  She wouldn't take that for an answer.  She goes off and gets a washcloth and goes over to Parker to wipe the chair.  THAT got my attention! Oh, OK, yes, he had indeed had an exploder and since Mommy wasn't doing anything about it, Annika was! He immediately was given a bath! :P

Also, Annika went to her first gymnastics class yesterday.  I was so happy she got to finally go! She's had to watch Nolan for 3 years and she needs her own special activity each week too.  She did so well.  Nolan had been preparing her for everything so she was ready.  She got knocked over 2 or 3 times, but she was tough and got right back up to finish what she was doing.  She talked about it all day, so fun for her!

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