Sunday, May 5, 2013

Two More Things...

First thing.  Parker rolled over a couple days ago.  From belly to back.  He hates being on his belly, so this was no surprise.  In this picture, he'd already done it a couple times and was getting ready to do it again.  He's rolled over before this time, but I think on accident.

Second thing.  This picture below brings back memories of growing up.  I still remember sitting on the couch on a high stack of books during the summer with our squirt bottles.  Squirting ourselves to keep cool as we read.  Funny how this picture makes Annika look about as big as Nolan.  I'll give Nolan a little credit, he's still quite a bit bigger than Annika than this picture shows.  If you look closely, he's actually further back in the couch, so it makes them look about the same size.  :) 

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